Tis’ the Season

Posted by Margi on Dec 21, 2009


One of my favorite things about this time of the year is the holiday lights. Yes, lights. Not that I don’t love the gatherings with friends and family, as well as the baked goods, gifts and many more of the wonderful holiday greats, but there is something special about seeing the seasonal bright lights all over town. It’s the darkest time of the year and yet ironically the universe synchronized this glorious holiday around it. It’s as if the lights speak to our souls…or rather that our souls are triggering the lightness within us to remember our inner light, our inner sight. Without light we cannot see. Not just visually but we cannot truly see without lightness.

There is something special about seeing twinkling colorful luminescence that makes a person feel at home. Such light puts a smile on our hearts and faces. As I reminisce of the childlike energies bubbling to the surface of my body, mind, and soul, I feel as if I can fly. My spirit soars and I feel honored. Honored to carry the light within me for years to come and honored to spread the love. My gratitude to carry this light goes to the one soul that has allowed his lessons to carry throughout centuries and to be carried for all of eternity: Jesus (who came to remind us and teach us the most wonderful energy of all, love). That is what these lights make me feel, love. What a wonderful reminder of what this season is truly about. A grand reminder that love is all we need to carry through the year. And what a great time of the year to remind us—just before we begin our New Year journey into new beginnings. Love is the foundation for everything in our life. Light guides the way. So I invite you to see your inner light and permit it to guide you into next year’s journeys with love and peace. Make a list of your gifts, tap into your truest desires and then check it twice…only bring what is nice into your New Year’s adventures.

Know that our new beginnings bring more peace and happiness when you trust that all the darkness in the world cannot be seen nor felt if you only look for, and at, the light. It is said in the scientific field that there is a vast amount of darkness compared to light in this universe. The light is minimal. Isn’t it a glorious miracle that when we only seek the light our soul experiences joy? This is because the spirit only knows to look for what it already is, illumination. Like a firefly, living at times in the darkness but knowing it can always be its only lighting system. As the firefly we are all empowered by our own light, we just need to remember this. So every time you travel around town take a moment to truly soak in the beauty of the holiday lights and know that in any given moment of darkness you can always reach into your soul and choose love, as love is light.

Peace and blessings to all and to all a great flight!
