Coming into the New Era
Posted by Margi on Dec 28, 2012
HOPE…this is one of the New Era’s brightest light.
It’s nice to know the world did not come to an end. Was anyone worried? I “hope” not. Although, I do have to say that the thought had crossed my mind, but just for a second. It’s natural for our humanness to presume or wonder, it’s part of the nature of curiosity. However, thank heaven for the heart of our soul that knows the truth – that only love is real. So out went the thought of fear as I’d made a decision not to feed it. My new thought became a question, “What was this new energy bringing us and what does the idea of this New Era truly mean?”
In the months leading up to this moment I had plenty of time to converse with my angels and guides. The main messages were to keep going, keep moving, don’t give up, there is light at the beginning of the tunnel (yes, beginning, not the end). The idea is to help us recognize that we are here to live in lightness and love. This has made more sense than anything I’d ever felt. As we slowly move into this New Era it’s helping me realize how we have only scratched the surface of what’s to come. We are seeing new endeavors unlike before. People are reaching out in ways that are warming the soul, love is being expressed more than ever before, and peace is on more minds than in the history of time. What a grand time to be alive!
My invitation for you as we come into this New Era is to find a time when you can connect and quiet the mind and relax the body, light a candle and ask your higher self what you desire for yourself and the world around you. We are in the most blessed times than we’ve ever been on this Earth plane. Albeit we’re moving into the unknown, this is the grand surprise, it’s our unknown, what do you want to make of it? We have a grace that allows us the ability to connect with source. If at anytime on this Earth plane we have been able to reach the depth of our soul it is now. Any pertinent energies that you can connect with through your thoughts, feelings, your soul this is the time. Ask for the highest vibrations and beings to guide and love you. We are coming into realizing the full extent of our power, after all we are the one’s we’ve been waiting for.
Blessed Light, Peace & Love for the New Year to come!
Thank you Filomena Scalise for photo
A Moment of Loving Self
Posted by Margi on Nov 30, 2012
Close your eyes and envision moments of love…
what comes to mind? Now feel the lightness in your soul. Enjoy…
You are Magic
Posted by Margi on Feb 27, 2012
In the light of this year the new energies have begun. Let down your guard and open your heart, for a new day is dawning. Much work has been done to allow this light to emerge. You are brave as well as courageous. For you have come to bring these vibrations of higher nature to open the gates of light.
You will see how much more simple your life is. You will experience greater knowing and your wisdom will lead the way. Be aware of your true self for it knows no boundaries. You will resolve life’s issues and see situations from a glorious perspective. You will know your self unlike you ever have. This power will allow you to live life fully in the NOW.
The past will seem like a blur and no thought of the future will interfere. What you might say, are you to do with today? Live the beauty of your nature. You are a spirit shining your truth and this truth brings you harmony and balance. You are the shining star in the night sky blessing the world around you. This reflection will come back ten fold.
Mind your thoughts, for they are only tools to help you bring your experiences into light. You have learned to trust your self and see the peace you have longed for.
The new energies this year will bring:
Peace within Knowledge from internal empowerment No answers necessary Lightness for the Soul Breath for the physical realm Alignment for the mindYour grace will lead the way – simply ask for balance and it is yours!
This is the year of recognizing your magic wand. You will learn how to use it. Creating what you wish. The energies have expanded and much will play out with what you send out. Be creative, be in the moment and observe your empowerment.
You have arrived. Now prove to yourself and the world around you. You are the ONE-ness and can do greater things than you can ever imagine ~
Be still and know your heart.
You are Love. You are Peace. You are Light.
You are the Star of your Life.
Thank you nuttakit for your beautiful pleides photo:
Behind the door…
Posted by Margi on Oct 29, 2011
If the dark is in our lives to help us see the light…
then what is there to fear about?
Recently I have been thinking about how my inner spirit has become so oddly content regardless of how anxious my experience of the external world is. It’s quite remarkable to become aware of our feelings and state of emotions even when the world seems to be caught up in a gust of fear and darkness. However, we cannot deny that there is something truly special going on. Our souls are on a verge of a long awaited and absolutely amazing rebirth of peace and harmony. Meanwhile the ego has chosen to play its all-important role of fighting to survive with all its might. It is slowly and surely dissolving and inter-melding with love. The dark and light are finding a sense of balance! We are learning to meet our true selves, our truth at all cost!
No matter how spooky and difficult our experiences seem our higher self is in a state of timelessness that only knows itself, as the I AM that I AM. It recognizes the truth that all IS, and will be well in ALL ways. It is only our mind that creates and entraps itself in a fierce rage of illusional war, a battle of wits between what it thinks and what we know to be true. But this clash is lessening its strength each moment that we become aware of our truth, I AM that I AM, and all IS well. The balancing of the light and dark are the experience, not the nightmare. Yes, at times it may feel hellish and unyielding but it is only in the midst of our storm that we can recognize our true state of peace – in the center where the eye meets the I AM.
I invite you to observe where in your life your spirit brings you a sense of peace, a lightness within that you can carry with you on your day-to-day endeavors of life. A bit or a piece within you that you can recognize when the game of darkness or fear comes knocking at your door – is this a trick or a treat, you might ask? And allow your beacon of love to choose how indeed to handle it.
After all, don’t we crave for a little excitement once in a while?
~ Happy Halloween ~