Welcome Peace Era
Posted by Margi on Jan 31, 2014
Hello Sweet Earth Angels and thank you so very much for your patience. It’s been a year since I’ve written and since then some wonderful miracles have occurred in my life. First things first, my blog site was unable to upload articles and images last February and I had no idea why. No matter what I did it wasn’t working. Eventually I surrendered and allowed diving timing to resolve the issue. Ten months later an idea came to mind on how to fix the problem and it worked! However, just as I was in the process of writing my next article energies shifted in my life and I unable to continue.
I believe that the reason my blog articles were delayed for that length of time was due to some new energies that were in need of being addressed in my life. I was not meant to focus on the blog last year. What I was meant to do was to take a break and regroup my thoughts and energies. It was after all the beginning of another 26 thousand year cycle, the era of Peace and I needed to shed new light unto my life.
I had many new beginnings last year and discovered the inability to upload articles meant I was to focus on the new beginnings. Without going into long details one of the lessons I learned last year was to incorporate HOPE into my world. For many years I never understood the true meaning of the word. I had always seen its energies a little “hopeless”. I’d seen it in the language that leaned more towards a pessimistic over an optimistic point of view. Not until it was truly needed in my life did I honestly understand its energies. Then, last year I actually went through an experience and it was called into my life. I honored the word HOPE and then decided to surrender. Within 2 weeks, in springtime the energies shifted and a long awaited miracle occurred.
My message here is simple, believe! HOPE. Do not give up on your dreams, no matter what. Keep your eye on the prize and live your light. In the end some how, some way the divine will hear you, feel you, be within you and will show itself. It may not always show the way you think it however, it will appear in your life the way it needs to and in a way you will understand it’s glory, and then appreciate it. I invite you to ask yourself where in your life can you utilize the energies of hope?
Have Faith, Believe, and always remember that when experiences in life may not always make sense, HOPE always does. It’s purpose is to gift a glimpse of light in our lives and open to possibilities, no matter what obstacles are standing in the way. With HOPE there is always a way.
Happy Peace Era!
Happy New Year & New Beginnings
Posted by Margi on Jan 24, 2013
If you are reading this then you made it through the previous year. Congratulations! It was quite a roller coaster ride but one that came with some strong but wonderful experiences. I hope that you were able to feel the light that came out of the darkness. I can speak from my own experience that what I lived and breathed to get to this year was one the empowered my soul at great lengths. I am however quite happy to be in this New Era. I have definitely felt the warmth and peace of the new energies.
This year, this New Era is about manifesting! We have arrived! The energies have shifted and it’s time to live the life of our desires. Be it joy, love, prosperity, inner wealth, or simply to reveal in our beauty. The Universe is open to what dreams may come! Ask, and you shall receive. This is OUR year. This is a New Beginning unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. This year is about HOPE, TRUST, FAITH and knowing all is well, no matter what. It’s about Spirit guiding us and trusting this energy, through any avenue. It’s time to fully see our light and live it. There are wonderful energies waiting for us; it’s simply about the choosing. What do you choose for yourself?
This is the year to CREATE! Use your creativity along with your heart and bring a new re-birthing. It’s phoenix rising from the ashes and re-creating. The Universe is changing and shifting at remarkable ways, are you willing to show up for it? And how? What will you do with the energies? Dream, live and love!
Relax and BE Still~
For nothing is standing in the way of who you are. Be Free and Fly~
Coming into the New Era
Posted by Margi on Dec 28, 2012
HOPE…this is one of the New Era’s brightest light.
It’s nice to know the world did not come to an end. Was anyone worried? I “hope” not. Although, I do have to say that the thought had crossed my mind, but just for a second. It’s natural for our humanness to presume or wonder, it’s part of the nature of curiosity. However, thank heaven for the heart of our soul that knows the truth – that only love is real. So out went the thought of fear as I’d made a decision not to feed it. My new thought became a question, “What was this new energy bringing us and what does the idea of this New Era truly mean?”
In the months leading up to this moment I had plenty of time to converse with my angels and guides. The main messages were to keep going, keep moving, don’t give up, there is light at the beginning of the tunnel (yes, beginning, not the end). The idea is to help us recognize that we are here to live in lightness and love. This has made more sense than anything I’d ever felt. As we slowly move into this New Era it’s helping me realize how we have only scratched the surface of what’s to come. We are seeing new endeavors unlike before. People are reaching out in ways that are warming the soul, love is being expressed more than ever before, and peace is on more minds than in the history of time. What a grand time to be alive!
My invitation for you as we come into this New Era is to find a time when you can connect and quiet the mind and relax the body, light a candle and ask your higher self what you desire for yourself and the world around you. We are in the most blessed times than we’ve ever been on this Earth plane. Albeit we’re moving into the unknown, this is the grand surprise, it’s our unknown, what do you want to make of it? We have a grace that allows us the ability to connect with source. If at anytime on this Earth plane we have been able to reach the depth of our soul it is now. Any pertinent energies that you can connect with through your thoughts, feelings, your soul this is the time. Ask for the highest vibrations and beings to guide and love you. We are coming into realizing the full extent of our power, after all we are the one’s we’ve been waiting for.
Blessed Light, Peace & Love for the New Year to come!
Thank you Filomena Scalise for photo http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/view_photog.php?photogid=851
A Moment of Loving Self
Posted by Margi on Nov 30, 2012
Close your eyes and envision moments of love…
what comes to mind? Now feel the lightness in your soul. Enjoy…
Posted by Margi on Jun 25, 2012
I am always mesmerized by my friend and spiritual angel Morgine Jurdan and her beautiful messages. I would like to share what she wrote with you this month. Hope there is something beautiful you can take away and utilize in your life. Enjoy!
Are Your Unconscious Addictions holding your Authenticity Hostage?
Over two decades ago I read a book by Annne Wilson Schaef called “When Society Becomes Addict” and I learned there were many different kinds of addictions. In addition to addictions to physical things like food and drugs, we can also be addicted to Perfectionism, Forgetfulness, Dependency, Negativism, Tunnel Vision, Frozen Feelings, Judgmentalism and so much more!! Have you ever promised yourself to spend less time on the computer checking emails, and somehow it rarely happened? You intended to only eat a couple squares of that chocolate bar, or a handful of nuts…. and yet a half hour later, they are all gone? Your body felt full after eating only half a plate of very delicious food, yet before you got up from the table, the plate was clean! You really want to take a walk every day and easily quit. You can also be addicted to exercising daily no matter if you feel sick, daily meditation, using certain brands of products and so much more!
Yet I realized that week, how “habitual” my life had become!! This week I woke up to this fact again, and how I have been living a lot on “automatic,” instead of making Conscious Choices moment by moment! I simply cannot live My Authenticity when I allow these patterns to hold me hostage any more!! I cannot live the real me by playing small, refusing to change and do new things, step out in front of people and take risks, stop doing the same old things while expecting new results!! Cheri Huber taught me, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” I tried, very unsuccessfully, to prove her wrong!!
If you desire to live a life of PASSION and AUTHENTICITY, you might need to be more Aware to where you have become unconscious in your day and begin to make changes. Living Authentically, requires listening to, and following our intuitive, loving, inner guidance. We cannot be authentic when we are living a life on automatic, conforming to habits which are not serving us, ways of thinking and being which allow us to “fit in,” instead of stand out, and which prevent us from making more conscious choices and Following Through with them every day!!
Loving and Appreciating Myself, and each of you!! Morgasmic Morgine
Delicate Energies
Posted by Margi on May 30, 2012
I had an experience recently that I knew in advance was coming. What I didn’t know was how I was going to handle it. I presumed that it would go fine but it turned out it didn’t. The reaction to the experience moved in an unexpected direction. However, in the end I came to understand the meaning of the experience. The energies of the world are currently in a very delicate and fragile place. I learned through the process that it’s imperative to be aware as best as possible of initial reactions and in how it’s handled before it sneaks up – in essence the preparation. What I didn’t do in advance was consider how I was going to react and handle it. If I had taken a few moments beforehand to think about what I would do with the energies I could have avoided a deep blow up which resulted in later frustrations that are still haunting me.
I know everything will be fine but I am also aware that the situation could have been put to rest before it escalated. At the end of the day I took to heart that this incident and the reaction was bound to occur so that I could learn from the moment and be more aware in the future. I do believe I will be more conscious of my reactions as well as more delicate with my feelings in the process. When I asked my guides the significance of this occurrence they reminded me about the high and low energy that is rapidly shifting during this amazing transition on Earth. They also want to remind us to be cautious of how we react to our emotions in any situation and to remember to tread lightly with tenderness as well as with care. We are in a whirlwind of energies that can change and shift on a dime. The transformations taking place in our world is a new birthing, one that is meant to be handled with a delicate hand. I invite you to consider situations that are currently taking place in your life and ask yourself how you can handle them with a greater sense of clarity and with grace. This is a gift that you can reward yourself in advance and save yourself from pain and heartache in the end.
Blessed New Journeys Earth Angels!
Ascension Light
Posted by Margi on Apr 27, 2012
The decisions we make this year will affect our years to come unlike any time in history. Choosing to live in the light and allowing it to radiate our energies with all we do will allow us to honor our power and encourage our enlightenment. Now more than ever, we are in the midst of recognizing our courage and to bring it as light to the surface. The choice is divine. What we bring to the World will bless everyone, including ourselves. Peace is here to prevail.
As the ascension process heightens, the frequencies will rise to a level never before felt. This process is introducing us to a sacred self within with such pleasure that it’s intention is to bring the truest and most vivid sense of peace and tranquility. We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for. The Light is within us. The wisdom, the knowledge and all the energies of manifestations are within us.
It is time for us to surrender our humanness. The burdens we’ve carried for thousands of years are crying out for release. We can put them down now. This grand shift is about fine tuning our awareness and bringing the light out to play. Mother Earth and Father Sky have waited a long time. It is imperative to pay attention to the energies we send out. As the saying goes, “What we put our attention to, grows.” Let’s grow a garden of light that even our shadows can revel in.
Jesus-Sananda said that all things are possible. In our state of awakening as we ascend to the next level, awareness becomes brighter and lighter. If we simply remember to be still and allow if only for a moment to hear the whispers of love, of surrender. We are in the era of peace and harmony. It is time to open our arms and accept the love and light that we so deserve, it is ours for the asking.
It is through being that Peace prevails.
Living each day as New Year’s Day…
Posted by Margi on Jan 11, 2012
Morgine Jurdan’s beautiful article, enjoy!
We begin a New Year as we have done for millennium. Long ago, we marked the passage of time with rituals and ceremony giving Gratitude for all our blessings in the past year and stating our Desires for the coming ones.
As time moved on and lives became more complicated, we created rituals filled with Resolutions and Goals, Intentions and Wants, Releasing and Letting Go. There are lists to make, journals to write in, calendars and schedules to fill out and keep track of. There will be time later for celebrating one’s success or failure.
I am going to create a New Tradition. My desire is to Live each Moment of every day with more Conscious Awareness. To keep my mind out of the past and the future, and instead focused on the here and now with whatever I am doing. Fully tasting my food, slowly chewing and savoring the delicious chocolate melting on my tongue, mint flavors opening my nostrils as I moan with delight! Gently stroking my lover’s skin with just the right touch so he shudders with delight. Melting as I behold a beautiful sunset, rainbow ribbons flowing across the sky as my body softens and dissolves into my chair and we become one. Hearing the birds cheerfully singing the day awake as they weave a smile across my face. Hugging my child fully, grateful here and now for her joy filled embrace.
Living in a state of Awe and Wonder at exactly how all the billions of things going on in my own body continue to dance along without needing my direction to breathe, beat my heart, digest my food, see, hear, feel, and so much more! How does a tiny, tiny seed become a hundred year old gigantic redwood? How can an ant carry more per its size than me? How does a caterpillar become soup and then emerge a butterfly? So many millions of incredible, mysterious wonders in nature we have yet to discover or understand! Breathtaking beauty abounds all over the planet!
I am choosing to let go and allow my Inner Wisdom, my connection to Source, to our Divine Oneness, to Guide my days. I then know the perfect actions to take every day to move me forward along my path, from one magical moment into the next, always changing and transforming me and the moment, others, and life itself with my own unique and personal touch! In loving all, resisting nothing, embracing the now, balance and harmony will be created by me and for me. Soon new habits will be formed and my Being and Doing will become as natural as my breathing now is.
Maybe everything IS perfect just as it is in every Precious Moment when seen from the perspective of the Divine? Perhaps I am here to “live life” instead of be lived by the stories, habits and beliefs I have been indoctrinated into for centuries? Maybe the “unlimited perspective” is all about creating for the joy it brings me and not to achieve a goal or keep a commitment.? If I can learn to truly be present in every moment, the “doing” will arise as naturally as my heart keeps beating and I keep breathing. The world I imagine and live in, where we all are living our dreams, co creating with our love and joy, will become a reality. Not because I worked for years to figure out the “how”. Instead I learned how to BE Me in every moment, and the means to manifest my dreams arose from the inside to be painted outside by my hands upon my own canvas of life, one precious moment, one precious day at a time.
I feel like I have been living in the soup and am ready to emerge as the butterfly! To love my life and live my love, giving myself to those things which make my heart sing! Allowing all of me to emerge more beautiful than I could ever imagine before as the caterpillar! Stunning, sexy, juicy, sensual, creative, vibrant, thriving, healthy and living on the edge of life, jumping for Joy from one Magical Moment into the next, surrounded by millions of like minded friends!! Yippee!!! Hurray for Today and a Million more Magical Tomorrows!!
Morgasmic Morgine
THANKS! giving
Posted by Margi on Nov 22, 2011
What a wonderful time of the year!
As we come upon another holiday season we are shown signs everywhere of the simple joys of life! All around us shine the spirit of lights and the radiance of love gently filling our souls. Yes, it is once again the time of year to be not only aware of the gratitude we have for life, love and family but of the peace that is instilled in us through our spiritual connection. Our connection is truly a gift of the Universe, the light of the I AM. We are here to learn to embrace the beauty and significance that our soul is alive and living in its bountiful blessings. These blessings remind us that receiving as well as giving balances and expresses our gratitude within the world. This balance in turn allows us to impress our energies of the creator so that we may revel in the grace of it all.
Life, what a splendor!
Take a moment from your busy world and slow your mind…
Be at peace with your self and your space…
Feel the gentleness within your soul…
And acknowledge you are…
Grateful for being.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Behind the door…
Posted by Margi on Oct 29, 2011
If the dark is in our lives to help us see the light…
then what is there to fear about?
Recently I have been thinking about how my inner spirit has become so oddly content regardless of how anxious my experience of the external world is. It’s quite remarkable to become aware of our feelings and state of emotions even when the world seems to be caught up in a gust of fear and darkness. However, we cannot deny that there is something truly special going on. Our souls are on a verge of a long awaited and absolutely amazing rebirth of peace and harmony. Meanwhile the ego has chosen to play its all-important role of fighting to survive with all its might. It is slowly and surely dissolving and inter-melding with love. The dark and light are finding a sense of balance! We are learning to meet our true selves, our truth at all cost!
No matter how spooky and difficult our experiences seem our higher self is in a state of timelessness that only knows itself, as the I AM that I AM. It recognizes the truth that all IS, and will be well in ALL ways. It is only our mind that creates and entraps itself in a fierce rage of illusional war, a battle of wits between what it thinks and what we know to be true. But this clash is lessening its strength each moment that we become aware of our truth, I AM that I AM, and all IS well. The balancing of the light and dark are the experience, not the nightmare. Yes, at times it may feel hellish and unyielding but it is only in the midst of our storm that we can recognize our true state of peace – in the center where the eye meets the I AM.
I invite you to observe where in your life your spirit brings you a sense of peace, a lightness within that you can carry with you on your day-to-day endeavors of life. A bit or a piece within you that you can recognize when the game of darkness or fear comes knocking at your door – is this a trick or a treat, you might ask? And allow your beacon of love to choose how indeed to handle it.
After all, don’t we crave for a little excitement once in a while?
~ Happy Halloween ~