Living each day as New Year’s Day…
Posted by Margi on Jan 11, 2012
Morgine Jurdan’s beautiful article, enjoy!
We begin a New Year as we have done for millennium. Long ago, we marked the passage of time with rituals and ceremony giving Gratitude for all our blessings in the past year and stating our Desires for the coming ones.
As time moved on and lives became more complicated, we created rituals filled with Resolutions and Goals, Intentions and Wants, Releasing and Letting Go. There are lists to make, journals to write in, calendars and schedules to fill out and keep track of. There will be time later for celebrating one’s success or failure.
I am going to create a New Tradition. My desire is to Live each Moment of every day with more Conscious Awareness. To keep my mind out of the past and the future, and instead focused on the here and now with whatever I am doing. Fully tasting my food, slowly chewing and savoring the delicious chocolate melting on my tongue, mint flavors opening my nostrils as I moan with delight! Gently stroking my lover’s skin with just the right touch so he shudders with delight. Melting as I behold a beautiful sunset, rainbow ribbons flowing across the sky as my body softens and dissolves into my chair and we become one. Hearing the birds cheerfully singing the day awake as they weave a smile across my face. Hugging my child fully, grateful here and now for her joy filled embrace.
Living in a state of Awe and Wonder at exactly how all the billions of things going on in my own body continue to dance along without needing my direction to breathe, beat my heart, digest my food, see, hear, feel, and so much more! How does a tiny, tiny seed become a hundred year old gigantic redwood? How can an ant carry more per its size than me? How does a caterpillar become soup and then emerge a butterfly? So many millions of incredible, mysterious wonders in nature we have yet to discover or understand! Breathtaking beauty abounds all over the planet!
I am choosing to let go and allow my Inner Wisdom, my connection to Source, to our Divine Oneness, to Guide my days. I then know the perfect actions to take every day to move me forward along my path, from one magical moment into the next, always changing and transforming me and the moment, others, and life itself with my own unique and personal touch! In loving all, resisting nothing, embracing the now, balance and harmony will be created by me and for me. Soon new habits will be formed and my Being and Doing will become as natural as my breathing now is.
Maybe everything IS perfect just as it is in every Precious Moment when seen from the perspective of the Divine? Perhaps I am here to “live life” instead of be lived by the stories, habits and beliefs I have been indoctrinated into for centuries? Maybe the “unlimited perspective” is all about creating for the joy it brings me and not to achieve a goal or keep a commitment.? If I can learn to truly be present in every moment, the “doing” will arise as naturally as my heart keeps beating and I keep breathing. The world I imagine and live in, where we all are living our dreams, co creating with our love and joy, will become a reality. Not because I worked for years to figure out the “how”. Instead I learned how to BE Me in every moment, and the means to manifest my dreams arose from the inside to be painted outside by my hands upon my own canvas of life, one precious moment, one precious day at a time.
I feel like I have been living in the soup and am ready to emerge as the butterfly! To love my life and live my love, giving myself to those things which make my heart sing! Allowing all of me to emerge more beautiful than I could ever imagine before as the caterpillar! Stunning, sexy, juicy, sensual, creative, vibrant, thriving, healthy and living on the edge of life, jumping for Joy from one Magical Moment into the next, surrounded by millions of like minded friends!! Yippee!!! Hurray for Today and a Million more Magical Tomorrows!!
Morgasmic Morgine