Remember the light…

Posted by Margi on Mar 26, 2011



Our world is encompassing a great rebirth. Many of us are noticing sensational affects taking place all around us, as well as in our personal lives and in the lives of others. Like a roller coaster the world is experiencing its greatest ride, here to teach us to trust the process and live in the joy of it.

When I asked my guides about this great shift, first and foremost, they mentioned that the choices we make in regards to how we handle this change is ours and ours alone. This is the gift of our Creator: to allow us to create. Choices come through as feelings, thoughts, dreams and inspirations, and through self-exploration and engagements with others. This planet is about our experiences of life, and we have many of them. Through my highs and lows, my guides repeatedly remind me to remember to stay in the light, no matter what.

Often, in the face of turmoil, anxieties and energies run on overdrive. But it’s vitally important to stay focused on our lightness. The true meaning of why we are here is to see how well we remember this most significant aspect of our souls. Yes, we may have moments when we forget and get caught up in our upheavals, but that is part of the lesson, of which the purpose to help us “lesson” the illusion of heaviness. We gift ourselves the heaviness through thoughts and feelings to help us see our own light and love and how incredibly creative we are. And our soul’s true beauty radiates through how we react or don’t react to our experiences.

When we tap into our truth, our spirit always shines through bringing lightness to any situation, great or small. We just have to remember to lighten up and trust our inner guidance system to navigate. Start by taking a deep breath…then send light from your heart to the world and allow it to radiate back to you with peace, harmony and a greater sense of knowing that all is well no matter what. All is well, and divinely aligned. When you begin to lose focus, catch yourself and whisper, “All is well.”

Lightness and Love to All!



Tree with light photo provided by dan: