Ascension Light

Posted by Margi on Apr 27, 2012


The decisions we make this year will affect our years to come unlike any time in history. Choosing to live in the light and allowing it to radiate our energies with all we do will allow us to honor our power and encourage our enlightenment. Now more than ever, we are in the midst of recognizing our courage and to bring it as light to the surface. The choice is divine. What we bring to the World will bless everyone, including ourselves. Peace is here to prevail.

As the ascension process heightens, the frequencies will rise to a level never before felt. This process is introducing us to a sacred self within with such pleasure that it’s intention is to bring the truest and most vivid sense of peace and tranquility.  We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for. The Light is within us. The wisdom, the knowledge and all the energies of manifestations are within us.

It is time for us to surrender our humanness. The burdens we’ve carried for thousands of years are crying out for release. We can put them down now. This grand shift is about fine tuning our awareness and bringing the light out to play. Mother Earth and Father Sky have waited a long time. It is imperative to pay attention to the energies we send out. As the saying goes, “What we put our attention to, grows.” Let’s grow a garden of light that even our shadows can revel in.

Jesus-Sananda said that all things are possible. In our state of awakening as we ascend to the next level, awareness becomes brighter and lighter. If we simply remember to be still and allow if only for a moment to hear the whispers of love, of surrender. We are in the  era of peace and harmony. It is time to open our arms and accept the love and light that we so deserve, it is ours for the asking.


It is through being that Peace prevails.

You are Magic

Posted by Margi on Feb 27, 2012



In the light of this year the new energies have begun. Let down your guard and open your heart, for a new day is dawning. Much work has been done to allow this light to emerge. You are brave as well as courageous. For you have come to bring these vibrations of higher nature to open the gates of light.

You will see how much more simple your life is. You will experience greater knowing and your wisdom will lead the way. Be aware of your true self for it knows no boundaries. You will resolve life’s issues and see situations from a glorious perspective. You will know your self unlike you ever have. This power will allow you to live life fully in the NOW.

The past will seem like a blur and no thought of the future will interfere. What you might say, are you to do with today? Live the beauty of your nature. You are a spirit shining your truth and this truth brings you harmony and balance. You are the shining star in the night sky blessing the world around you. This reflection will come back ten fold.

Mind your thoughts, for they are only tools to help you bring your experiences into light. You have learned to trust your self and see the peace you have longed for.

The new energies this year will bring:

Peace within
Knowledge from internal empowerment
No answers necessary
Lightness for the Soul
Breath for the physical realm
Alignment for the mind 

Your grace will lead the way – simply ask for balance and it is yours!

This is the year of recognizing your magic wand. You will learn how to use it. Creating what you wish. The energies have expanded and much will play out with what you send out. Be creative, be in the moment and observe your empowerment.

You have arrived. Now prove to yourself and the world around you. You are the ONE-ness and can do greater things than you can ever imagine ~

Be still and know your heart.

You are Love. You are Peace. You are Light.

You are the Star of your Life.



Thank you nuttakit for your beautiful pleides photo:

Living each day as New Year’s Day…

Posted by Margi on Jan 11, 2012

morgine 2012

Morgine Jurdan’s beautiful article, enjoy!

We begin a New Year as we have done for millennium. Long ago, we marked the passage of time with rituals and ceremony giving Gratitude for all our blessings in the past year and stating our Desires for the coming ones.

As time moved on and lives became more complicated, we created rituals filled with Resolutions and Goals, Intentions and Wants, Releasing and Letting Go.  There are lists to make, journals to write in, calendars and schedules to fill out and keep track of. There will be time later for celebrating one’s success or failure.

I am going to create a New Tradition.  My desire is to Live each Moment of every day with more Conscious Awareness.  To keep my mind out of the past and the future, and instead focused on the here and now with whatever I am doing.  Fully tasting my food, slowly chewing and savoring the delicious chocolate melting on my tongue, mint flavors opening my nostrils as I moan with delight!  Gently stroking my lover’s skin with just the right touch so he shudders with delight.  Melting as I behold a beautiful sunset, rainbow ribbons flowing across the sky as my body softens and dissolves into my chair and we become one. Hearing the birds cheerfully singing the day awake as they weave a smile across my face.  Hugging my child fully, grateful here and now for her joy filled embrace.  

Living in a state of Awe and Wonder at exactly how all the billions of things going on in my own body continue to dance along without needing my direction to breathe, beat my heart, digest my food, see, hear, feel, and so much more!  How does a tiny, tiny seed become a hundred year old gigantic redwood?  How can an ant carry more per its size than me? How does  a caterpillar become soup and then emerge a butterfly? So many millions of incredible, mysterious wonders in nature we have yet to discover or understand! Breathtaking beauty abounds all over the planet!

I am choosing to let go and allow my Inner Wisdom, my connection to Source, to our Divine Oneness, to Guide my days.  I then know the perfect actions to take every day to move me forward along my path, from one magical moment into the next, always changing and transforming me and the moment, others, and life itself with my own unique and personal touch!  In loving all, resisting nothing, embracing the now, balance and harmony will be created by me and for me.  Soon new habits will be formed and my Being and Doing will become as natural as my breathing now is.  

Maybe everything IS perfect just as it is in every Precious Moment when seen from the perspective of the Divine?  Perhaps I am here to “live life” instead of be lived by the stories, habits and beliefs I have been indoctrinated into for centuries?  Maybe the “unlimited perspective” is all about creating for the joy it brings me and not to achieve a goal or keep a commitment.? If I can learn to truly be present in every moment, the “doing” will arise as naturally as my heart keeps beating and I keep breathing. The world I imagine and live in, where we all are living our dreams, co creating with our love and joy, will become a reality. Not because I worked for years to figure out the “how”. Instead I learned how to BE Me in every moment, and the means to manifest my dreams arose from the inside to be painted outside by my hands upon my own canvas of life, one precious moment, one precious day at a time. 

I feel like I have been living in the soup and am ready to emerge as the butterfly!  To love my life and live my love, giving myself to those things which make my heart sing!  Allowing all of me to emerge more beautiful than I could ever imagine before as the caterpillar!  Stunning, sexy, juicy, sensual, creative, vibrant, thriving, healthy and living on the edge of life, jumping for Joy from one Magical Moment into the next, surrounded by millions of like minded friends!! Yippee!!! Hurray for Today and a Million more Magical Tomorrows!!

Morgasmic Morgine

Shine around the world!

Posted by Margi on Dec 23, 2011


May there be Peace on Earth…
     …and good will to all

 As a gift to yourself and the world, place your hand over your heart and invite the light of love and peace to move through you. Envision sending this light and compassionately wrapping around humankind and Mother Earth. Allow the collective force to enlighten all that choose to accept it and send healing for those that may be in need. Calm your mind and center on the stillness of peace. Breathe in a golden hue of love and like a ribbon being strewn let it rejuvenate life within and around you. Inviting it to go wherever it needs and is guided to.

This is the New Light and Energy that you are meant to live in, envelope in. It is time to celebrate your rebirthing and honor the path you have created. You are a part of this grand source of oneness that longs to reconnect with life. May you see yourself in the light that shines as bright as the guided star. For you have come to see your beauty, your warmth, your soul. You are a gift to the world.

Merry blessings to all and to all a grand life!

THANKS! giving

Posted by Margi on Nov 22, 2011

bountiful 2

What a wonderful time of the year!

As we come upon another holiday season we are shown signs everywhere of the simple joys of life!  All around us shine the spirit of lights and the radiance of love gently filling our souls. Yes, it is once again the time of year to be not only aware of the gratitude we have for life, love and family but of the peace that is instilled in us through our spiritual connection. Our connection is truly a gift of the Universe, the light of the I AM. We are here to learn to embrace the beauty and significance that our soul is alive and living in its bountiful blessings. These blessings remind us that receiving as well as giving balances and expresses our gratitude within the world. This balance in turn allows us to impress our energies of the creator so that we may revel in the grace of it all.

Life, what a splendor!


Take a moment from your busy world and slow your mind…

Be at peace with your self and your space…

Feel the gentleness within your soul…

And acknowledge you are…

Grateful for being.


Happy Thanksgiving!



A New Light…

Posted by Margi on Sep 26, 2011

pdx blog


Have you been feeling the wave? We’re on it. Ride smooth…

Keep your awareness high

Pay attention to your needs

Listen to your inner “KNOWING”

Thread lightly and allow yourself some R&R

Bring lightness into your energy field

Keep your mind clear

Observe your world

Move with grace and be kind to your space

Be at ease

PEACE is within you



Breaking through into something NEW

Posted by Margi on Jul 30, 2011



Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re mind continually goes back to something over and over? Perhaps to get your attention or help you receive an important message. Well, that’s what has been happening with me regarding this month’s blog. I read an article a client referred relating to rebirthing and how our world is shifting through this process. I found it incredibly interesting and wanted to share it with you.

It’s the July forecast and the topic is about REBIRTH. I am a firm believer in divine order and have truly been practicing learning to Know and Trust my divine path. It has been a grand journey. One that has not only challenged my humanness but solidified my faith in my spiritual world. I truly look forward to more divine magic in my life. Enjoy Sweet Angels.

The link is:

A Musical Gift

Posted by Margi on Jun 26, 2011

For the topic this month my guides have invited me to share a powerful email I recently received written by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles. I hope you find it as empowering as I did. Blessings

A Healing Gift for Humanity

June 21, 2011, Solstice
through Frederic Delarue

“The frequency of this Celestial Music communicates with the Divine Intelligence of the body at a cellular level raising the consciousness of each cell. As the music soothes and comforts the cells, the body’s natural ability to heal itself is enhanced.

Precious Hearts, I would like to share with you information about a sacred and wondrous musical gift that is being given to Humanity. The Divine Intent of this gift is to assist each of us through the physical challenges we are experiencing as we move through this auspicious time. Please read these words with an open heart and an open mind. We have been longing for the time when Heaven and Earth would come together to assist us in our endeavors to transform ourselves and this planet. This is that moment.

I would like to share a little background about this musical gift. 2011 began with an incredible influx of Light. On December 21, 2010, we experienced the Solstice and a very powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The synchronicity of these two events occurring at the same time had happened only one other time in the past 2,000 years.  

That Lunar Eclipse took place within two degrees of the Galactic Center which opened a mighty portal of Light from the Core of Creation into the Center of the Earth. The Light of God that poured through that portal initiated incomparable pivotal changes for all Life evolving on this planet.

Once the portal was opened, the Light of God built in momentum until the New Moon Solar Eclipse which took place on January 4, 2011. During that monumental influx of Light, Lightworkers around the world joined hearts with the Company of Heaven and cocreated a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. The powerful Light that bathed the planet during that two week period catapulted every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth further up the Spiral of Evolution. This paved the way for a God Victorious 2011 which is a year that the Beings of Light have heralded as “The Transfiguring Year of Rebirth and Renewal.”

On Christmas Day, in the midst of that incredibly powerful influx of Light, our beloved son Joao got sick. On December 29, 2010, he passed away from complications with pneumonia. Joao was 42 years old. He left behind his wife and three beautiful sons. Since his transition, Joao has shared with his Father and me that his time on Earth was complete. He said that he was able to move directly into the Light and that he is now working with Archangel Michael and the Legions of Healing. He said that he will be able to “Gift” Humanity in our service to the Light in ways that he could not accomplish from the physical plane.

When Frederic Delarue, a wonderful French musician, received my e-mail announcing our son’s transition into the Light, he said he felt very connect to Joao’s soul. Frederic said that he knew Joao was trying to connect to with him and that he needed to be at Joao’s Celebration of Life ceremony, which took place on January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Arizona.

Once Frederic made the heart commitment to attend the service in Tucson, Joao began communicating with him. Joao asked Frederic if he would accept the responsibility of receiving a musical transmission that would be a legacy for his family.

Frederic agreed to Joao’s request without knowing any of the specifics about the music. After Frederic returned from Joao’s Celebration of Life ceremony, Joao began to reveal to Frederic just what this music would be, a Healing Gift for Humanity.

When Frederic Delarue was 12 years old he had a near death experience after which he realized he was given an amazing gift of music. When Frederic was 13 years old the Angelic Music of the Spheres began flowing through his hands as he played people’s soul songs. He just quieted himself, moved his own consciousness aside, and the music of the person’s soul flowed through his hands.

For the next few months after Joao’s transition, Frederic said that Joao would come to him and tell him some things about the music and how it was to be distributed. Then, just before Easter, Frederic awoke with a powerful heart prompting to go to France immediately, so he made arrangements and flew to France. During the month of May while he was in France, he went to Rennes-le-Chateau on several occasions. Rennes-le-Chateau is a sacred focus of Mary Magdalene, who is at this time working with Mother Mary and all of the Feminine Aspects of our Father-Mother God to bring to the consciousness of the world the return of the Divine Feminine, our Mother God, or as we have often referred to this Aspect of Deity, the Holy Spirit. Frederic said that when he sat in the church and contemplated the Presence of Mary Magdalene, he had a miraculous experience that transformed his life. He returned home a different person. He knew that his experience with Mary Magdalene was a necessary factor in preparing him to receive Joao’s gift of healing music for Humanity.

During the month of May, while this initiation was occurring for Frederic in France, Mother Mary was assisting every one of us in a miraculous way. Over 40 years ago Mother Mary told us that prior to Humanity’s embodiment this time she had made a covenant with every man, woman, and child on Earth. She said that in the not too distant future, when Humanity was open and receptive to the influx of Divine Love from our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, she would draw us into her Temple of the Immaculate Heart and assist our I AM Presence to expand the Threefold Flame in our heart to its original size. She said that this would greatly enhance our ability to receive and assimilate the frequencies of Divine Love from our Mother God and the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God’s Infinite Perfection.

The Threefold Flame in our heart originally enveloped our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. It was the perfect balance of our Father God’s Blue Flame of Power, our Mother God’s Pink Flame of Divine Love, and the Son and Daughter of God’s Yellow-gold Flame of Wisdom. It was the true reflection of the Holy Trinity. When we fell from Grace we closed our hearts so we would not feel so much pain. This blocked the portal through which our Mother God’s Love entered the world. This caused our Threefold Flame to become imbalanced, which caused us to lose the awareness of our Mother God. Our Threefold Flame eventually shrunk to what we now refer to as the “spark of Divinity” in our hearts. Well, now that we have cocreated a NEW Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love everything has changed!

This May as we each slept at night, our I AM Presence escorted us into Beloved Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Inner Planes. Within her focus of Light, Mother Mary helped our I AM Presence to expand the Threefold Flame in our heart to its original intensity. This is the fulfillment of the covenant Mother Mary made with each one of us prior to this embodiment.

On June 10th, Frederic sent me an e-mail and said that he wanted to talk to me about Joao’s music. I did not know anything about Frederic’s trip to France and he did not know anything about the gift that Mother Mary was giving to Humanity during the month of May. We talked about those things and he said that since he returned from France, Joao would not leave him alone about the music. He said Joao seemed to feel that there was now an urgency to make this music available to the world. Frederic asked me to ask Joao about the music to be sure that the message he was receiving was correct.

That night I asked Joao about the music and Frederic’s information. Joao said that all was in readiness, and that it was time for this music to be made available to the world. He said for me to let Frederic know that Sunday, June 12th was Pentecost, the day that is celebrated as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Mother, and that there would be a greatly amplified influx of our Mother God’s Divine Love on that day. Joao gave me a quote to include with the music that he would play through Frederic’s hands. This is the title of the music followed by Joao’s quote:

A Healing Gift for Humanity

Celestial Music from Joao Cota-Robles

“This sacred music is compatible and works in harmony with every healing modality or medical treatment a person may choose to experience. The music resonates with an additional blessing for everyone who is dealing with any form of cancer.

This music is a gift from On High and it is never to be bought or sold. Please share this information with everyone you feel would benefit from this sacred gift of Celestial Music.”   
Joao Cota-Robles

The next morning Frederic e-mailed me and said, “This is the day.” It was Pentecost. Frederic said that early that morning Dr. Florence Phillips, who was the only Minister to allow him to do his work with the Angelic Music of the Spheres without conditions, passed away from cancer after being in a deep coma.

Right after I received the e-mail from Frederic Joao’s Dad called me into the kitchen to see a magnificent White Dove that had flown into our garden. We have lived in our home for 45 years and we have never seen a White Dove in our garden.

Frederic prepared his equipment and turned everything on so that he would be ready. When the time was right, Mary Magdalene expanded her luminous Presence and held Frederic and Joao in the embrace of her radiant Light as Joao played his healing music through Frederic’s hands.

Joao said this music is encoded with frequencies of healing that Humanity has not been able to reach until now. This is being made possible because of the expansion of Humanity’s Threefold Flame, the return of our Mother God, and her monumental influx of Transfiguring Divine Love. He said for Frederic and me to make the highest possible resolution of the music available to Humanity. Otherwise, some of the new healing tones might be missed.

Joao said the Company of Heaven is going to help anyone who wants the music to have access to it through his or her own computer or through the computer of someone they know. He said all is in Divine Order; all Frederic and I need to do is make the music available through the highest possible resolution for anyone who wants to experience it.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The complete CD of “Musical Rapture” is 62 minutes long. You may download this sacred music for FREE from my website:  

 15-minute YouTube video of the music.





Posted by Margi on May 24, 2011


Today, I remind myself of something often heard. It is simple, yet important. And it’s that we never stop learning.

I’ve been watching Oprah’s farewell season, and the last few shows have included not one but two shows of James Frey, the author of A Million Little Pieces who for those of you who are unfamiliar was caught in a huge mistake of distrust by authoring a non-truthful memoir. After James’ deceit brought him to his knees, Oprah invited him to come back on her show. A show that James thought was about redemption, but instead, he ended up receiving a back lashing from Oprah. After the show, James was gifted a painting titled, “Public Stoning.” At the time I thought it was all an interesting play out of events, but I did not really *see* what was happening. Why? I was too busy sitting in my own comfort doing exactly what Oprah had been lashed for doing: sitting in judgment.

After that show Oprah received a call from renowned spiritual teacher, Marianne Williamson, who happened to ask Oprah something along the lines of, “Who do you think you are? And who are you to be the judge of his mistakes?”

It took Oprah 3 years before she’d re-invited James to be on her show to clear the air and apologize. And there I was again sitting in judgment of his reactions, demeanor, and words before something made me stop. Stunned at myself, I started to cry, and I heard myself say, “Where is my compassion?” A few moments later, I gathered myself and released my ego thinking as I quieted my mind’s loveless behavior. Relaxed, I was able to shift my energy before I started watching part two of Oprah’s show with James on it. And wow, what a wake up call! My compassion flooded back, and I realized how human James truly is (and how human we all are). In a nutshell, he learned from a great lesson he sincerely recognizes was his undoing to redoing of who he is today. During this segment, Oprah expressed how sorry she was for what she had done and shared that she had also learned a great lesson. She admitted that she had come from her ego instead of from a place of compassion, and that the world was correct about her not seeing how viciously she came at James the show from years past. It was clear that Oprah was truly sorry for her actions.

It’s funny how our thoughts and responses can drastically shift like that, and it teaches us that things are not always as they appear. The harsh, difficult and most frustrating lessons we create are manifested to teach us something. And the lesson is often that we are all here to grow, and to learn to truly love ourselves.

Thanks to those particular Oprah shows, I was reminded how vitally important it is for us to remember compassion. The lesson certainly wasn’t about how important it is for me to judge others. It was about me remembering to quiet and cease all judgment. To presume another’s mistakes are greater than our own is a trap of the ego.

As a spiritual being having a human experience, I will make errors. And no matter how great or small, they are painful, but only enough to help wake me up to see my truth, which is to not just see but to feel my light; the lightness that comes when we see the love in everything and everyone! No matter what!



Thank you Getideaka for the beautiful purple lotus photo:

Accept and Celebrate!

Posted by Margi on Apr 29, 2011

I received this email the other day. It’s a great reminder of how much our world can focus more on the light of others and ourselves. No matter what you experience or come across in life remember that love shines brightly to get you through any difficulties, any negative thoughts or judgments. We are all doing our best and that is always good enough. Don’t be so hard on yourself or others. We are all on this journey together, traveling similar paths with our own beautiful colors. Peace



PASS THE BISCUITS author unknown


When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then.  And I remember one night in particular when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work.  On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad.  I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed!  Yet all my dad did was reach for his Biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.

I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits.  And I’ll never forget what he said:  “Honey, I love burned biscuits.”

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned.  He wrapped me in his arms and said, “Your momma put in a long hard day at work today and she’s real tired.  And besides… a burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!”

You know, life is full of imperfect things… and imperfect people.  I’m not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else.  What I’ve learned over the years is that learning to accept each others faults and choosing to celebrate each others differences, is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.