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Nature of Change

Posted by Margi on Oct 31, 2009

 nature of change

Change and experience are the reason for being, as they are the most natural states of the human experience. Nature is natural, therefore, changes in our lives are simply that: NATURAL. But what happens when we come across natural changes that feel heavy, difficult, or challenging? Do we fight? Argue? Shout? Pull our hair out? (Well sure, that’s natural too!)

 Remember, our frustrations in life are not really about the fact that change is occurring. After all, change is inevitable. What we can do, however, is create a much more natural way of handling change, living with shifts, and allowing the process to undergo a more peaceful, calming, enlightening, and empowering state of existence while experiencing life.

 Are we really meant to suffer, to live in pain, to be angry, depressed, or frustrated? Not unless that’s what we choose. Accepting and allowing the journey of life will usher in a lighter sense of our life experiences, despite the changes involved. Life is about movement, motion, and consistency—and that consistency is change!

 Change is inevitable – it is a guarantee for existing. You are energy, and energy is constant and ever shifting. The times have accelerated, and our energies are shifting more quickly and rapidly due to our collective vibrations moving into higher frequencies. The closer we come to reaching the point of knowing who we are, in our awakening experience, we can let go of that familiar gnawing previous question of Who am I, which allows us to relax in our experience of: Who I AM.

 We are now recognizing ourselves unlike we’ve ever known, and it’s enlightening. Our energies are coming together and creating a much lighter life. We are feeling the light shining through us, from us, of us. We are seeing, feeling, and knowing this light to be truly real. This is Reality! Welcome yourselves, for you have arrived!

 Instead of letting the illusion of fear, angst, and darkness overrun your life by creating the unrelenting energy of chaos, it’s time to allow the natural process of Light, Love, and Joy to move through you naturally. Give this Light permission to float you along in the changing currents of life.

 Some days the currents will be high and powerful, and other days, calm and peaceful. Either way, when your inner compass points in the direction it chooses from its own nature—or natural state—change will be recognized as an experience in motion, which again, is a very natural state of nature.

 You’ll find change, or changes, in life are nothing more than love in motion, which is a gift from GOD, the Universe, and You! Gently step out of your own way when it comes to accepting God’s gifts, and fully open your arms to embrace what is rightfully yours. Resisting equals death. Fighting against change opens the door for fear to take hold, which inevitably creates all of that uncomfortable chaos.

 Again, change is natural, so remember to consider, and to understand, all of your experiences—positive and negative—as a natural part of life. Until we fully grasp the concept that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we will continue to experience un-ease, which is disease, or DIS – EASE.

 Give yourself the gift of choosing lightness instead by acknowledging and repeating this affirmation: I am Spirit, and I have the courage and power to accept life and its natural “Nature of Change,” which is simply the all-encompassing process of God’s love in motion.

 Love is all there is…be kind to yourself.




I love your pictures….and your words, they speak to my soul….thank you Margi

November 10th, 2009 | 7:55 am

Thankyou for sharing. Change is a blessing by which new great things can be experienced and we are calling it forth. A very exciting time to be incarnate!

November 16th, 2009 | 7:49 am
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