What are you Thankful for?

Posted by Margi on Nov 23, 2010


   Gratitude keeps the spirit alive and rejuvenated!

           What are you grateful for in your life?


           Happy Thanksgiving Sweet Angels!


Images: Filomena Scalise



Feel your essence of life…

Posted by Margi on Sep 28, 2010

flowers of life

Be still…

      take a moment out today…

                        and feel your essence of life…

tree of life


The Light Within…

Posted by Margi on Jun 30, 2010


We’re going through a time of massive energies exploding in all different directions. For many of us, it’s a never-ending awareness of this current restructuring.

While I realize that I am the creator of my world, what can I do to keep from losing my own mind, as well as assist others in not losing theirs? I turned to my guides and explained that I have so many people coming at me from many unique situations. As I thought of these things, I let out a breath and rested my head on my couch. And there, right in front of me was the answer: look for the light within. Afterward, to my amusement, I noticed the light that shines above my entertainment center. It was given to me with love. It’s a salt rock light that shines every night to bring me peace and clearing. It warms my heart with luminescence, and I adore it!

Sometimes I have to put things into perspective and chuckle about the turmoil we put ourselves through. We get so wrapped up in our daily lives, and the rush of it, that we forget that all the answers we ever need in any given moment are not in front of us, but within us. (That’s not to say that some signs aren’t right in front of us—we just need to be willing to open our hearts and eyes to see.)

I invite you to take a moment to connect and ask yourself any question that you might have about an issue, an unresolved situation or simply just an inquiry. Close your eyes and go within to that place of peace and harmony. Breathe deeply and trust the feeling, knowing, insight and warmth that radiates YOUR inner truth and wisdom.

We are clearly in a time of great change and shift. But, it is a shift of light and love if you are willing to see (wink wink). Signs are everywhere. When you notice these heavenly guideposts and reminders, it’s time to live. Grounding yourself in life and seeing the beauty—even in chaos—is anything from a wake up call to a gentle tap on the shoulder. Please enjoy the ride. And remember, it’s about the journey not the destination. 

 Happy trails sweet Earth Angels.

You are our light!  Shine brightly!


Just Be…

Posted by Margi on Apr 29, 2010


It’s the end of the month and I feel a gentle nudge from my guides who wish to share a message with us once again. Currently, I am overwhelmed, tired from working on the road, and somewhat stressed and tense from life’s events. I’m home now and I feel the push to work on a new message from my guides. Quietly I ask and patiently I listen. Without hesitation, this is what I hear: JUST BE. So I take in a deep breath and release and begin to feel the stress of a busy life move through and out of me. I am left with peace. I sense rejuvenation and calm – stillness in the moment.

What an important message. The guides and angel beings are here to help our lives and create it to truly be simple this month. Take a moment out of your busy schedule and for a moment JUST BE. Invite the light of love in and be calm with yourself for a minute or two (you deserve this treat! Yes YOU!) Try this on a daily basis, I promise that there is so much to gain – the continuous journey and re-connection of LIFE. Your life balanced – in joy. Enjoy!


To Perceive or not to perceive?

Posted by Margi on Mar 30, 2010


Happy Spring! Enjoy the blooming flowers and trees all around us! What a grand time of the year!

My past month’s experiences have brought me to this blog’s topic: Perception.

The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz is a book I’ve had for quite some time and—as we all know—sometimes a book’s timing is directly tuned to our own personal experiences and situations in life. There are times when we pick up a book and it doesn’t click or feel right at first, but when the right timing comes along we may view that same book with fresh eyes. Reading The Four Agreements combined with watching a documentary called 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama got me to thinking.

As I mentioned before, there is a HUGE shift occurring in the world around us. This shift is taking place inside all of us. For some, the experience is subtle, and for others this shift is drastic. Throughout this shift, it is important to observe and notice the reactions, feelings and thoughts that we have about these energy shifts and frequencies of change. The concept of perception is what drives our outcome. It is not what you perceive as much as how you perceive. The HOW is the effect. The HOW is the main ingredient. It is our connection with our reactions that effects and influences the aura/behavior in our energies.

If you perceive something in your life outside of you, it affects the energies inside of you, creating aftereffects that may be positive or negative. We have enough negative perceptions in this world to fire up a storm. Take a good look at your personal perception meter – do you find yourself observing with criticism, judgment, or opinions that attract and invite heavy negative energies into your field? Or do you strive to observe and perceive aspects in your life as they are by simply observing with compassion, kindness and/or non-judgment?

10 Questions For the Dalai Lama has a part in the movie that shows a Buddhist monk living in the woods. He walked through a path amongst strings of what are called prayers flags. They are strung from one tree to another, and there were so many! My first thought was how could anyone deface the beauty of nature with material objects strung all over? Boom! I had judged. So I turned inward. And then I tuned into my guides who reminded me that the way those monks live makes them feel peaceful. Being at peace in their habitat included the intentional visual effects/reminders, or prayer flags, around them. Some of us enjoy or prefer things such as altars or pictures, but these monks chose to utilize prayer flags in their living space.

In The Four Agreements, the first agreement is to be impeccable with your word – to speak with integrity. My judgment of the monks was a snapshot of me in a state where I forgot the power of integrity. But instead of being hard on myself, and falling into a trap of self-loathing, I forgave my judgment and recognized that I was judging and perceiving from only my own state of mind (and what is good for the goose is NOT always good for the gander). It’s okay for each one of us to perceive things differently. Though we all have our own thoughts about the things we are exposed to, it is our reactions and how we perceive things that matter. Once I acknowledged the how of my perception and corrected it, I remembered that we all create our own worlds. What we do and do not like about what is outside of us does not matter…what matters is that we all give each other the right to have our own perceptions – and in honoring that is how we gain and have peace.



Posted by Margi on Feb 23, 2010

bench break

So here I am another month gone by. How on earth is it already February? It’s time to write my next blog, and I would like to give a simple message. So I ask my guides what message they would like for me to gift. I receive no answer so I ask again. Still no answer. Hmm, could they be sleeping? No, they don’t sleep in their dimension. I know they’re out there so again I ask what I should deliver. Nothing comes back. I take in a deep breath to relieve my stress. My body relaxes as I take another breath, only slower this time. I’m still waiting for a message, yet I become much more relaxed as I wait. With another breath, I am feeling peaceful, and in the quietness I hear: breathe…breathe. I know. That’s what I’ve been doing. So what’s up? What do you want me to write about? Breathe, I hear again. Oh! I get it! You would like me to remind people that we need to take breaks and remember how important it is for us to breathe—and to do this with awareness and recognition!

Breathing helps us reflect and to stay in the moment. Distress and angst keep us from being aware. But breathing is a simple spiritual prescription. It’s our major sustenance in life…breathing! So remember, on a day-to-day basis, how important it is to be aware of your breath. Focus on taking deep breaths and being in the moment, which is now. Relax. It’s all God (good).


Welcome 2010! Calling all Angels of Service

Posted by Margi on Jan 4, 2010




Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

Where there is sadness, joy;


O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled

as to console;

To be understood as to understand;

To be loved as to love.


For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.



This post will be short and sweet, as I was guided to include the beautiful and yet empowering poem by St. Francis of Assisi.

As I watched the movie The Shift with Dr. Wayne Dyer this weekend, I became aware of a profound shift of thought within me as he spoke. Dr. Dyer spoke about service to others and that in service we find our happiness and joys of heaven. I learned that in being of service to others we find our sweetest connection to God. I believe this whole-heartedly because in the work that I do I receive this joy day after day.

My most glorious and touching moments come from simply creating an unconditional deed for someone who happens to be just passing by in my life; whether it be holding the door for someone carrying groceries, allowing someone to jump in front of me while driving on the road, or simply smiling while someone is having a bad day. It can be as little as kindly giving up a seat on the bus for someone else, for they may need it more than you know.

So I invite you to kick off this year graciously, by gifting yourself to be an instrument of peace, an instrument of service. The service you gift to others will ripple around the world. Let’s make this year 2010 a year of purposeful Light and Peace. In your service to others you find your divine light purpose – and that purpose will always find Peace!

Peace on Earth and good will to all Spirit Beings!

Welcome to 2010! I wish you and yours a truly blessed one!


Nature of Change

Posted by Margi on Oct 31, 2009

 nature of change

Change and experience are the reason for being, as they are the most natural states of the human experience. Nature is natural, therefore, changes in our lives are simply that: NATURAL. But what happens when we come across natural changes that feel heavy, difficult, or challenging? Do we fight? Argue? Shout? Pull our hair out? (Well sure, that’s natural too!)

 Remember, our frustrations in life are not really about the fact that change is occurring. After all, change is inevitable. What we can do, however, is create a much more natural way of handling change, living with shifts, and allowing the process to undergo a more peaceful, calming, enlightening, and empowering state of existence while experiencing life.

 Are we really meant to suffer, to live in pain, to be angry, depressed, or frustrated? Not unless that’s what we choose. Accepting and allowing the journey of life will usher in a lighter sense of our life experiences, despite the changes involved. Life is about movement, motion, and consistency—and that consistency is change!

 Change is inevitable – it is a guarantee for existing. You are energy, and energy is constant and ever shifting. The times have accelerated, and our energies are shifting more quickly and rapidly due to our collective vibrations moving into higher frequencies. The closer we come to reaching the point of knowing who we are, in our awakening experience, we can let go of that familiar gnawing previous question of Who am I, which allows us to relax in our experience of: Who I AM.

 We are now recognizing ourselves unlike we’ve ever known, and it’s enlightening. Our energies are coming together and creating a much lighter life. We are feeling the light shining through us, from us, of us. We are seeing, feeling, and knowing this light to be truly real. This is Reality! Welcome yourselves, for you have arrived!

 Instead of letting the illusion of fear, angst, and darkness overrun your life by creating the unrelenting energy of chaos, it’s time to allow the natural process of Light, Love, and Joy to move through you naturally. Give this Light permission to float you along in the changing currents of life.

 Some days the currents will be high and powerful, and other days, calm and peaceful. Either way, when your inner compass points in the direction it chooses from its own nature—or natural state—change will be recognized as an experience in motion, which again, is a very natural state of nature.

 You’ll find change, or changes, in life are nothing more than love in motion, which is a gift from GOD, the Universe, and You! Gently step out of your own way when it comes to accepting God’s gifts, and fully open your arms to embrace what is rightfully yours. Resisting equals death. Fighting against change opens the door for fear to take hold, which inevitably creates all of that uncomfortable chaos.

 Again, change is natural, so remember to consider, and to understand, all of your experiences—positive and negative—as a natural part of life. Until we fully grasp the concept that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we will continue to experience un-ease, which is disease, or DIS – EASE.

 Give yourself the gift of choosing lightness instead by acknowledging and repeating this affirmation: I am Spirit, and I have the courage and power to accept life and its natural “Nature of Change,” which is simply the all-encompassing process of God’s love in motion.

 Love is all there is…be kind to yourself.


Hello Earth Angels and Welcome!

Posted by Margi on Oct 13, 2009

I am so excited and grateful to my guides for leading me to this new concept. I am laughing as they create a greater work load for me (however this doesn’t feel like work because I love what I do). With my guides leading me, I am thankful. So here we go…

let there be light

This new project really feels like a birth for me, and I am ecstatic. After years of fighting to bring joy back into my life, it is finally coming to the surface, and I am experiencing it once again. I am inspired to share with you the thoughts, ideas, and inspirations of my guides and what I have learned from them.

The main reason my guides and I have decided to write these upcoming posts is to inform you and give you the knowledge needed to find your own peace. We aim to help make sense of why things happen in our lives and what it all means. We’ll help you understand how to handle the things that happen, as well as how to incorporate them into your life. I will be focusing as much as possible on the NOW, including whatever it is that the guides feel you need to help relieve any heaviness in your heart. We will focus more on your individuality than on the world, as your individuality is simply a reflection of the world. It is more important to shift your energies, as the world’s energies will shift, as needed, in the process.

With some of my own personal experiences lately, I have learned to trust myself to do the best in any given situation, and if my best in some cases seems not “good enough” (notice good enough) that’s okay because it’s all a part of the experience and growth of the soul. As long as I know I’m moving in the direction to lighten my soul that is all that matters, and being kind to myself along the way is the most powerful gift I can give myself.

I listen to a radio program called “Coast to Coast” (a link may be found in the sidebar), and am often enlightened about the information I receive. A gentleman named Dr. Lester Carter, once said, “It’s okay for me to be just who and what I am. Sometimes you’ll find when you’re around me, that I’m feeling good. Sometimes I’m not. Sometimes I make wise decisions. Sometimes I don’t. If you call my hand on it, so be it. Let’s just talk about it.”

And that is what this site is about: talking and sharing about the topics at hand that come along in life, in addition to nurturing spirituality and the soul. It’s about allowing each individual person to be who they really are, and not who someone else thinks they should be.

Dr. Lester Carter also mentioned that if a person has a gift, it’s not right to hold it back. This is why I felt the need to create this site. So my gift to you, to the world, and to myself, is to allow you to be as authentic as possible and to never have to apologize for being yourself.  All things are part of the greater good – our experiences. If we don’t have these glorious experiences we will never learn and grow. It’s about waking up to who we are. Authenticity! This is what enlightenment truly is! Knowing your I AM.

Today, I promise to myself to awaken to my authenticity.

I AM that I AM.

You may at times like the things you read on my site, and at other times you may not. That is just fine, because the most important thing is that I am honest with myself, and therefore, honest with you.

We all have our own perceptions and perspectives, and this doesn’t make for right or wrong. It just allows us to be who we are, and again, there’s no need to apologize. This site was created for you to learn to be your own creator, and to feel your own empowerment as you experience and create your own enlightenment. This site is here for you to construct a safe space to come to, in order to help you enlighten your soul. This site serves as a cyber coffee shop, or a quiet garden if you prefer, where you can come and take a load off of life and just be yourself.

I plan on writing about all sorts of topics relating to lightening up. That is why my loving guides asked me to name this site: Soul Enlightenment (a catchy but oh-so-true title). So please enjoy what we have to offer. I invite you to acknowledge your first gift, and that is to always remember that life is about love, and that love is about never having to say you’re sorry for being who you are. After all, life is about what and how we are all meant to be. Life is about EXPERIENCE, and now it’s time to live it—with joy!




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