Visual Meditation…Enjoy!

Posted by Margi on Aug 29, 2010


Grand Teton’s…majestic! 

1 Grand Teton

Little Chapel of Transfiguration, peaceful…

2 Chapel of Transfiguration

An awe inspiring view through the chapel window…

3 through window

Yellowstone little grand canyon falls…breathtaking! 

4 little grand falls

Creatures great… 

5 big elk

             and small…

8 little criter

Valley of tranquility…

6 valley of life

Full moon glory…

7 full moon

Old Faithful still shining…

9 old faithful

Earth’s colorful gifts…

10 colorful earth

    and prismatic…

11 prismatic color

Field of wild flowers, ah serenity…

12 field of flowers

     and a little light of love…

13 little flower

Free to roam…bold and beautiful!

14 where the baffalo roam

Heaven and Earth…

15 valley of life

Rejuvenation of life…

16 heaven and earth

Happy Journey’s and many Blessings to you!

Sacred SELF

Posted by Margi on Jul 29, 2010


What does sacred mean to you? Does it mean nurturing yourself? Taking a break from time to time? Treating your body well? Caring for your mental health? Or perhaps taking time to reflect on inner peace? To me, sacred means all of these things and more. But where do we find it?

Once a year, I take a short break from my work to gift myself some time to recoup from day-to-day shifts. This year I am in Bend, Oregon cat-sitting, which I love. As each day unwinds, I find myself coming back to life, which is ironic, as I came here to take a break from life. But is there really such a thing as a break from life? Are we not life itself?

As I look out into the valley of tranquility—the vastness of the desert and trees that surround me—I feel invigorated. And it’s because I’m reconnecting with my sacredness and enriching my body, mind, and soul, all at once.

What a great gift for the spirit!

I believe that we all need to remember to respect ourselves – our “SELF” – on a daily basis, as well as within each step we take in life. How easily we forget what we need most: the sacredness of nurturing our inner beings and reviving the harmony that we crave. As I care for this cat, I am aware of the joy it’s bringing me and that she is actually nurturing me. I chuckle at the warmth she gives me as her head quickly turns at each bug that flies by her, teasing her in the moment. She is living the moment. She is in her own sacredness. She’s living life! And she doesn’t think twice about it—she’s just enjoying it.

When was the last time you took time to connect with your sacredness? I invite you to gift yourself, even for just a moment, to observe something sacred in your world. When possible, maintain this action wherever you are and wherever you go. It’s the best gift you can give yourself!

Live, love and laugh.

Life can be and is good! No matter what!


The Light Within…

Posted by Margi on Jun 30, 2010


We’re going through a time of massive energies exploding in all different directions. For many of us, it’s a never-ending awareness of this current restructuring.

While I realize that I am the creator of my world, what can I do to keep from losing my own mind, as well as assist others in not losing theirs? I turned to my guides and explained that I have so many people coming at me from many unique situations. As I thought of these things, I let out a breath and rested my head on my couch. And there, right in front of me was the answer: look for the light within. Afterward, to my amusement, I noticed the light that shines above my entertainment center. It was given to me with love. It’s a salt rock light that shines every night to bring me peace and clearing. It warms my heart with luminescence, and I adore it!

Sometimes I have to put things into perspective and chuckle about the turmoil we put ourselves through. We get so wrapped up in our daily lives, and the rush of it, that we forget that all the answers we ever need in any given moment are not in front of us, but within us. (That’s not to say that some signs aren’t right in front of us—we just need to be willing to open our hearts and eyes to see.)

I invite you to take a moment to connect and ask yourself any question that you might have about an issue, an unresolved situation or simply just an inquiry. Close your eyes and go within to that place of peace and harmony. Breathe deeply and trust the feeling, knowing, insight and warmth that radiates YOUR inner truth and wisdom.

We are clearly in a time of great change and shift. But, it is a shift of light and love if you are willing to see (wink wink). Signs are everywhere. When you notice these heavenly guideposts and reminders, it’s time to live. Grounding yourself in life and seeing the beauty—even in chaos—is anything from a wake up call to a gentle tap on the shoulder. Please enjoy the ride. And remember, it’s about the journey not the destination. 

 Happy trails sweet Earth Angels.

You are our light!  Shine brightly!


Memories…that warm the Soul

Posted by Margi on May 29, 2010


Special memories that warm the soul…ah, it’s like a nice cup of hot cocoa on a rainy day. Take a moment out of your busy day to reflect on a time when your soul lit up with joy. It’s important to remember where you came from…it’s what made you. A silly child’s smile, laughter with a sibling, a hug from a mom, a surprise birthday party from a friend, camping trip’s with family. Think back to a moment that brought you great joy or empowerment. What do you remember about what you learned, what you experienced, what you felt?

In this moment now as you reflect on those feelings, be aware of the true essence of spirit moving through you. You are who you are because of the memories you have created and utilized to become. This is why memories are so important. I invite you to rest a smile on your face and warmth in your soul – you are alive! You are free to be who you are, a bright shining star, special in every way. You make the world go round’. Smile, the universe has just taken a picture! 

Happy Memorial Weekend Sweet Angels! 


Just Be…

Posted by Margi on Apr 29, 2010


It’s the end of the month and I feel a gentle nudge from my guides who wish to share a message with us once again. Currently, I am overwhelmed, tired from working on the road, and somewhat stressed and tense from life’s events. I’m home now and I feel the push to work on a new message from my guides. Quietly I ask and patiently I listen. Without hesitation, this is what I hear: JUST BE. So I take in a deep breath and release and begin to feel the stress of a busy life move through and out of me. I am left with peace. I sense rejuvenation and calm – stillness in the moment.

What an important message. The guides and angel beings are here to help our lives and create it to truly be simple this month. Take a moment out of your busy schedule and for a moment JUST BE. Invite the light of love in and be calm with yourself for a minute or two (you deserve this treat! Yes YOU!) Try this on a daily basis, I promise that there is so much to gain – the continuous journey and re-connection of LIFE. Your life balanced – in joy. Enjoy!


To Perceive or not to perceive?

Posted by Margi on Mar 30, 2010


Happy Spring! Enjoy the blooming flowers and trees all around us! What a grand time of the year!

My past month’s experiences have brought me to this blog’s topic: Perception.

The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz is a book I’ve had for quite some time and—as we all know—sometimes a book’s timing is directly tuned to our own personal experiences and situations in life. There are times when we pick up a book and it doesn’t click or feel right at first, but when the right timing comes along we may view that same book with fresh eyes. Reading The Four Agreements combined with watching a documentary called 10 Questions for the Dalai Lama got me to thinking.

As I mentioned before, there is a HUGE shift occurring in the world around us. This shift is taking place inside all of us. For some, the experience is subtle, and for others this shift is drastic. Throughout this shift, it is important to observe and notice the reactions, feelings and thoughts that we have about these energy shifts and frequencies of change. The concept of perception is what drives our outcome. It is not what you perceive as much as how you perceive. The HOW is the effect. The HOW is the main ingredient. It is our connection with our reactions that effects and influences the aura/behavior in our energies.

If you perceive something in your life outside of you, it affects the energies inside of you, creating aftereffects that may be positive or negative. We have enough negative perceptions in this world to fire up a storm. Take a good look at your personal perception meter – do you find yourself observing with criticism, judgment, or opinions that attract and invite heavy negative energies into your field? Or do you strive to observe and perceive aspects in your life as they are by simply observing with compassion, kindness and/or non-judgment?

10 Questions For the Dalai Lama has a part in the movie that shows a Buddhist monk living in the woods. He walked through a path amongst strings of what are called prayers flags. They are strung from one tree to another, and there were so many! My first thought was how could anyone deface the beauty of nature with material objects strung all over? Boom! I had judged. So I turned inward. And then I tuned into my guides who reminded me that the way those monks live makes them feel peaceful. Being at peace in their habitat included the intentional visual effects/reminders, or prayer flags, around them. Some of us enjoy or prefer things such as altars or pictures, but these monks chose to utilize prayer flags in their living space.

In The Four Agreements, the first agreement is to be impeccable with your word – to speak with integrity. My judgment of the monks was a snapshot of me in a state where I forgot the power of integrity. But instead of being hard on myself, and falling into a trap of self-loathing, I forgave my judgment and recognized that I was judging and perceiving from only my own state of mind (and what is good for the goose is NOT always good for the gander). It’s okay for each one of us to perceive things differently. Though we all have our own thoughts about the things we are exposed to, it is our reactions and how we perceive things that matter. Once I acknowledged the how of my perception and corrected it, I remembered that we all create our own worlds. What we do and do not like about what is outside of us does not matter…what matters is that we all give each other the right to have our own perceptions – and in honoring that is how we gain and have peace.



Posted by Margi on Feb 23, 2010

bench break

So here I am another month gone by. How on earth is it already February? It’s time to write my next blog, and I would like to give a simple message. So I ask my guides what message they would like for me to gift. I receive no answer so I ask again. Still no answer. Hmm, could they be sleeping? No, they don’t sleep in their dimension. I know they’re out there so again I ask what I should deliver. Nothing comes back. I take in a deep breath to relieve my stress. My body relaxes as I take another breath, only slower this time. I’m still waiting for a message, yet I become much more relaxed as I wait. With another breath, I am feeling peaceful, and in the quietness I hear: breathe…breathe. I know. That’s what I’ve been doing. So what’s up? What do you want me to write about? Breathe, I hear again. Oh! I get it! You would like me to remind people that we need to take breaks and remember how important it is for us to breathe—and to do this with awareness and recognition!

Breathing helps us reflect and to stay in the moment. Distress and angst keep us from being aware. But breathing is a simple spiritual prescription. It’s our major sustenance in life…breathing! So remember, on a day-to-day basis, how important it is to be aware of your breath. Focus on taking deep breaths and being in the moment, which is now. Relax. It’s all God (good).


Welcome 2010! Calling all Angels of Service

Posted by Margi on Jan 4, 2010




Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;

Where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, faith;

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light;

Where there is sadness, joy;


O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled

as to console;

To be understood as to understand;

To be loved as to love.


For it is in giving that we receive;

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.



This post will be short and sweet, as I was guided to include the beautiful and yet empowering poem by St. Francis of Assisi.

As I watched the movie The Shift with Dr. Wayne Dyer this weekend, I became aware of a profound shift of thought within me as he spoke. Dr. Dyer spoke about service to others and that in service we find our happiness and joys of heaven. I learned that in being of service to others we find our sweetest connection to God. I believe this whole-heartedly because in the work that I do I receive this joy day after day.

My most glorious and touching moments come from simply creating an unconditional deed for someone who happens to be just passing by in my life; whether it be holding the door for someone carrying groceries, allowing someone to jump in front of me while driving on the road, or simply smiling while someone is having a bad day. It can be as little as kindly giving up a seat on the bus for someone else, for they may need it more than you know.

So I invite you to kick off this year graciously, by gifting yourself to be an instrument of peace, an instrument of service. The service you gift to others will ripple around the world. Let’s make this year 2010 a year of purposeful Light and Peace. In your service to others you find your divine light purpose – and that purpose will always find Peace!

Peace on Earth and good will to all Spirit Beings!

Welcome to 2010! I wish you and yours a truly blessed one!


Tis’ the Season

Posted by Margi on Dec 21, 2009


One of my favorite things about this time of the year is the holiday lights. Yes, lights. Not that I don’t love the gatherings with friends and family, as well as the baked goods, gifts and many more of the wonderful holiday greats, but there is something special about seeing the seasonal bright lights all over town. It’s the darkest time of the year and yet ironically the universe synchronized this glorious holiday around it. It’s as if the lights speak to our souls…or rather that our souls are triggering the lightness within us to remember our inner light, our inner sight. Without light we cannot see. Not just visually but we cannot truly see without lightness.

There is something special about seeing twinkling colorful luminescence that makes a person feel at home. Such light puts a smile on our hearts and faces. As I reminisce of the childlike energies bubbling to the surface of my body, mind, and soul, I feel as if I can fly. My spirit soars and I feel honored. Honored to carry the light within me for years to come and honored to spread the love. My gratitude to carry this light goes to the one soul that has allowed his lessons to carry throughout centuries and to be carried for all of eternity: Jesus (who came to remind us and teach us the most wonderful energy of all, love). That is what these lights make me feel, love. What a wonderful reminder of what this season is truly about. A grand reminder that love is all we need to carry through the year. And what a great time of the year to remind us—just before we begin our New Year journey into new beginnings. Love is the foundation for everything in our life. Light guides the way. So I invite you to see your inner light and permit it to guide you into next year’s journeys with love and peace. Make a list of your gifts, tap into your truest desires and then check it twice…only bring what is nice into your New Year’s adventures.

Know that our new beginnings bring more peace and happiness when you trust that all the darkness in the world cannot be seen nor felt if you only look for, and at, the light. It is said in the scientific field that there is a vast amount of darkness compared to light in this universe. The light is minimal. Isn’t it a glorious miracle that when we only seek the light our soul experiences joy? This is because the spirit only knows to look for what it already is, illumination. Like a firefly, living at times in the darkness but knowing it can always be its only lighting system. As the firefly we are all empowered by our own light, we just need to remember this. So every time you travel around town take a moment to truly soak in the beauty of the holiday lights and know that in any given moment of darkness you can always reach into your soul and choose love, as love is light.

Peace and blessings to all and to all a great flight!


YOU are Significant!

Posted by Margi on Nov 30, 2009


One of the most extraordinary, fascinating and wonderful things that is happening in the Universe today is that we are moving away from an outdated belief system. Where we used to believe that things happen to us, we are now accepting and changing over to the belief that we make things happen through us!

Yes, the time has come. This is what this entire feminine universal shift is all about. We are waking up and recognizing that we are the creators of our world, our universe, and of ourselves. We are aware now that what we feel and think directly effects everything around us: EVERYTHING. To what magnitude? Well that is up to you. The profound sense of awakening is that we are invaluable. Yes, little old us. As we begin to move into ourselves we wake to recognizing that we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We have the power. Think about it. We have been looking and searching for thousands of years, yet here we are right here and right now. We’ve been here all along, and so has Spirit. Breathe…

What has been going on outside of our physical realm, throughout the energies around the world, is that we are beginning to recognize and view that our energies are what move the world.

I’d like to keep this message easy and light. Open your thoughts, and allow me to switch to the energies occurring around us for a moment.

We’ve all been hearing about what’s going down with our country. Right here, right now. I would like to share a perspective that my guides have given me because my very own energies were being pulled down with a myriad of dire situations. And though I truly felt a shift with our new president, I was still  frustrated with what is going on in our country. So I turned to my guides and began to have some chats. I asked them why all of this turmoil is happening.

My guides revealed to me that this situation has been unconsciously created by us to teach us that WE are the answers: not the government, not the corporations, and not who is running the country. WE have the choice to take personal action apart from what we see outside of us. This is the essential nugget of energy that was subliminally being conveyed to us during last year’s election—no matter who you voted for. And this nugget is HOPE.

This is what I have personally gained through this experience. And hope is what we need to remember. As long as you hold Hope in your heart, all peace can and will prevail. This applies to everything. We need to remind ourselves how significant each and every one of us is individually. This is not about the world changing us. It is about us recognizing and seeing that WE are the ones to lead the way. WE are the ones who can shift any and all prevalent negative energies. We are the ones to bring the light and keep it bright. We are much more significant than we give ourselves credit for. After all, if we didn’t exist, nothing would! So begin with YOU. Take a look inside. What do you see? What do you want? Ask and it shall be given, yet be open to explore the means in which your answer comes.

This is a wonderful time to be alive. This is the most exciting time on Earth. This is the most special era for us to experience enlightening growth and progress. Remember YOU are the light. You may be but a speck on Earth, but YOU have the power to change the world.

The video below mentions that the beauty of a living thing is not the atoms that go into it, but the way those atoms are put together. The feminine era has arrived and it’s time to soften the energies during what seems like the heaviest and most difficult time on earth. Pull together your energies and start to send love, peace and light to the world, no matter how dire things may seem for some of us. The cosmos are also within us because we are all connected. Nothing is separate. Again, it all begins with you! We are a way the cosmos can know itself. That’s right. The universe cannot know itself without us first knowing ourselves. It all starts with us. So begin by finding something special within you and working with it. It could be as simple as making a conscious effort to quiet yourself periodically throughout the day. Or making an effort to lessen judgment. Or lovingly smiling at someone that may be having a bad day. Or simply just seeing things from a different perspective and having fun with it. Yes, it’s okay to have fun. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Thank you for coming to raise our vibrations. It’s a delight to have you with us. Keep it simple…keep it light!

YOU are Magnificent!